Mac trash icon ico
Mac trash icon ico


The way you’re describing it, it sounds like your computer got formatted. Hey everyone, if you read my latest post, you would know why I haven’t been commenting Buddy, can’t help you out, the instructions I posted seem to be working fine for everyone, not much I can explain more than I’m not too sure what you mean! You should be able to Command+Copy when you highlight the icon!įoster: Holy shit, I have no idea what you did! I think there must be a bug with your computer! If you changed the icon of those folders, the contents aren’t modfied in any way! If they were deleted, then they HAVE to be in the trash. If I wasn’t clear, post again, and I’ll try and re-phrase my explanation/answer 😀 I’m sorry if I wasn’t able to answer your questions, and I will look into that Matt, and I’l post something up if I figure out a way to do it. So, to answer your question, I don’t think there is any easy, quick way out of this (at least not with this technique of switching icons). Because of this, the computer can’t just recognize that folder as an icon for a specific folder. It can’t be an automatic thing because there’s nothing on the folder saying that ‘this is an application icon’ you know what I mean? It’s just a folder that is named ‘applications’ (for example), with an icon. Yes I did go through most of them, one-by-one-by-one…The thing is, there is no ‘signature (shall we say?)’ on each of the folders.


So, when I find the time, I’ll post up that list of folders with the original icons, and you can just download them off the site be honest, I’m not too sure.

mac trash icon ico

However, I was afraid that I might want to go back to the original icons, and not have them! So what I did, was I compiled a bunch of folders with icons for other folders, like for HD, Apps, Users. It wouldn’t be practical, especially since people are always trashing folders/files. I don’t think there would be a ‘mother’ folder for the original icon. I did some snooping around, looking for some icon files, that sort of thing….and I didn’t find much. You also might want to check out another how-to!Īnd check out the latest app review over here!Ĭheckout my new video blog! -> Video, Kill My a good question. UPDATE! Looks like there’s an easier way to change icons… Now that wasn’t too hard was it? If you’re still having problems, leave a comment and I’ll try and clarify things. NOTE: Sorry, the image got cut off and I was too lazy to fix it. Copy it, and then click on the icon that will be replaced (again, it should be highlighted blue) and then, paste it. Step 4: Select the icon you want to replace the original with, it should be highlighted blue when u click on it. Step 3: Then take the folder with the icon that you want to replace the original with, and also click ‘Get Info’. Step 2: Take the folder or file that you want to change its icon, and click ‘Get Info’ One of my favorite icon sets is Monoliff from the Panic Blog. Step 1: Go and download some icon folders! Suggested place are at InterFACELIFT and. While there are various methods of doing so, I’ll be explaining changing the icon of an item by downloading folders with the icon attatched (so its actually a folder which your are downloading, not a.

mac trash icon ico


Surprisingly, lots of people don’t know how to change the icons of folders and documents, so I’ve decided to post a lil’ How To on changing icons 😀

Mac trash icon ico